bernie sanders
Bye bye, Sean Hammerle!
Mr. Sean Hammerle, who faked his own business past and present, resigns as chair of Democrats Abroad Panama.
Bananama Republic (
In August of last year, we received an email from our web host,, that they had closed down Bananama Republic. Why? Apparently there was a court order from the Netherlands. We got a copy of that, and sure enough, Patrick Visser, of Silva Tree fame, as well as his wife, Keren Visser-Katz, had filed a civil case against your author, made sure we didn’t know about it, and won.
Mr. Sean Hammerle, who faked his own business past and present, resigns as chair of Democrats Abroad Panama.
Grappling to deal with the facts, Panama's leaders go back and forth between denial and rage and "kill the messenger." #TheSaveFacePapers #DenialPapers #SomosPanamaPapers Brought to you by Odebrecht!
Just a quick note, dear readers, to let you know that we are not dead, nor in jail, nor dealing with Panama, actually... Too busy!
After unsuccesful attempts in the US, Panama and Israel, the Visser couple has this time hired a Dutch lawyer to send us legal threats.
Our favorite magazine tells us that Panamanians are cochinos and that this needs to change, for tourism.
In fight between Gustavo Garcia de Paredes and Miguel Antonio Bernal, the emperor may not wear any clothes, but Bernal isn't very well dressed either.
Convicted fraud artist Mark Boswell makes a come-back with a Christian sect full of viruses and a gibberish book.
La Prensa coming out tomorrow with story about $35 million tax fraud perpetrated by ex-president on the lam.
After 26 years, convicted Moncada Luna gets to share office space again with Manuel Antonio Noriega.
Lawyers, Life Coaches and anonymous hooligans join forces on Twitter against foreign visitors, employees and entrepreneurs with fascist bile and threats.