Sean Hammerle, "I did it my way."
Wow, that was fast. We just found this in our mailbox:
Dear Members:
The Executive Committee (ExCom) of Democrats Abroad Panama (DA Panama) – which is made up of both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton supporters – has recently spent a great amount of time and energy dealing with our recent motion to remove one of the at large board members from his position on the board. This motion was not made in haste and was not made by one member. To clarify, the motion was not to remove any member from the organization but only to remove a member from the board.
The DA Panama ExCom believes that recent communications by said board member brought negative repercussions to the organization because in numerous communications he made derogatory remarks about fellow expat organizations as well as members of our organization, both locally and internationally. Many of our general members expressed the opinion that they would no longer participate in the organization if this board member remained on the board. Never at any point was his membership in question, only that of serving as a leader of the group.
Chair Sean Hammerle initially opposed the motion for removal in search of other options to deal with issues at hand, but the group, as a whole, decided to move forward with the motion. The motion was viewed as a “last ditch” effort after numerous conversations with said person were unfruitful and because the unrelenting personal attacks against Board members continued unabated. Sean communicated the motion of the Executive Committee.
The DA Panama ExCom recently spoke with the international leaders of Democrats Abroad to discuss the situation and has had several meetings as the Executive Committee as well.
Because we are all volunteers and believe that we can continue to support our personal political views in other ways, we have decided that in its existing format, Democrats Abroad Panama is not currently where we wish to focus our volunteer hours.
We wish everyone the best and still hope that each of you continues to cast your vote in every election especially in November. (For more information on how to vote go
We, the following board members of Democrats Abroad are hereby tendering our resignations from the Board of Directors of Democrats Abroad Panama.
Sean Hammerle, Chair – Hillary Clinton Supporter
Francis Wilson, Vice Chair – Bernie Sanders Supporter
Phyllis So, Secretary – Hillary Clinton Supporter
Marcia Henry, Treasurer – Bernie Sanders Supporter
Eunice Greaves, At Large Member – Hillary Clinton Supporter
DA Panama
http://www.democratsabroad. org/
They're all gone! Sad! This came just days after we personally attacked exposed Sean Hammerle as someone who faked the identities of the staff of his fundraising "business" - if not the entire business altogether - and some Panamanian site for old people wrote something about the turmoil at Democrats Abroad as well.
So is this the end of the story? No, because we want to know what else Mr. Hammerle made up about his business track record. We have enough fraud artists in Panama as it is. And it seems that some entities on his client list are at least as imaginary as the fake people who are his staff. So stay tuned!
Well, he can always sell artists renderings of imaginary real estate projects in the Azuero or elsewhere.