Friesner accomplice Herbert Young on mission to investigate Lavitola case
To investigate the Lavitola case, the lawyer college sends a couple of Panamanian Lavitolas to Rome.
Bananama Republic (
To investigate the Lavitola case, the lawyer college sends a couple of Panamanian Lavitolas to Rome.
Son of president Martinelli says he is victim of a conspiracy.
La Prensa's website has been offline since 10:20 AM, after the newspaper published damning evidence of mega-corruption by president Martinelli and his family.
Martinelli went to Italy, met with Berlusconi and Lavitola and gave them a bunga bunga chick as a present whom he said was his niece. "I come to pay my respect to you, Don Silvio".
With the Italian Finnmeccanica scandal rapidly expanding, the fact that Panama's president Martinelli is an Italian citizen as well may hold unpleasant consequences - for him. Take him away!
Alemán's defense of Martinelli is right out of the Goebbels propaganda textbook, along the lines of "Hitler built highways and the trains left on time".
We predict however that the protests will not be contained, but spread over the country, because Martinelli has been majestically overplaying his hand and he and his people don't seem to be handicapped by such things as "common sense". It's no longer if, but when the first Super99 will go up in flames.