Scams & Frauds
Fugitive finance hustler Mark Boswell runs wacky Christian foundation
Convicted fraud artist Mark Boswell makes a come-back with a Christian sect full of viruses and a gibberish book.
Bananama Republic (
Convicted fraud artist Mark Boswell makes a come-back with a Christian sect full of viruses and a gibberish book.
People dumb enough to subscribe to Winner's Panama Guide are now hollering for their money as publishing grinds to a halt.
Panama Guide's Don Winner's latest scam is to pump illegal campaign donations to the Martinelli reelection campaign. It's best to side with corruption, the scam pimp says.
Francisco Armani claims he was in jail with Monte Friesner in the US, before the latter teamed up with Don Winner of Panama Guide.
This is a repost of an older story from The Panama News that had mysteriously disappeared from the web, about fraud artist and gambling cheat Mark Boswell a/k/a Rex Freeman, financial columnist for Don Winner's "Panama Guide".
News from the cyber war front: A concerted attempt by a group of criminals in Panama to have Bananama Republic disappeared from the web and Google search results has failed, and actually backfired. UPDATED
Thanks to unlicensed amateur real estate broker Don Winner, you can now buy into a project developed by arms traffickers that has been shut down years ago, and will never be finished! The opportunity of a lifetime!
Imaginary "death threat" forces Don Wanker to hunker down while embassies and police leave him alone to deal with his fantasy life under siege.
Contrary to what some sociopaths put on their websites, Okke Ornstein is neither on the run nor in jail - and that won't change anytime soon.
Financial hustler and gambling cheat Mark Boswell loses court case from one of the many people who want their money back.