Martinelli in serious money trouble

Martinelli faces a deficit of $2.5 billion on a $15 billion budget. With $4.5 billion disappearing into the black hole called "corruption" and Panamanians willing to riot to prevent him from selling off state assets, the supermarket baron is effectively out of funding.

Mayhem at the Assembly!

Martinelli is not an isolated phenomenon, but the product of a political and business environment that has been created and nurtured for decades by the same people who now pose as the saviors of democracy. It's a fight between factions of corrupt, rich elites, with ordinary Panamanians caught in the middle.

Panama opens doors to immigrants

You probably didn't believe we'd ever say this, but there finally came some good news out of the Martinelli administration. Last Monday a decree was published in the Gaceta Oficial, which opens Panama's doors to citizens from a list of countries who want to undertake some kind of business activity here.

PRD in mudslinging mode

Of course this is good news for Panama. If the PRD ceases to be a political force, we will finally have gotten rid of a group of delinquents that still celebrates a military coup and dictatorship figures in its propaganda.