Memo from the Commodities Desk: Petaquilla, Richard Fifer, Taboga and Navarro
Petaquilla liquidity trouble; Taboga land and islands not sold after all, and will J.C. Navarro wipe Noriega's poop off his nose?
Bananama Republic (
Petaquilla liquidity trouble; Taboga land and islands not sold after all, and will J.C. Navarro wipe Noriega's poop off his nose?
Martinelli is not an isolated phenomenon, but the product of a political and business environment that has been created and nurtured for decades by the same people who now pose as the saviors of democracy. It's a fight between factions of corrupt, rich elites, with ordinary Panamanians caught in the middle.
Martinelli told Bosco the Clown to resign or be thrown in jail. Bosco then put up a heroic fight by calling in sick and resigning the next day. Consequently, Panameñistas and other political retards are saying this was all a coup!
The Martinellistas approved the budget for the next year without there being a quorum to even have a vote, because the legislators are all out in the streets stealing and pillaging and getting drunk except for Blandón who is making a show of how terribly upstanding and honest he is.