Petaquilla sequestered, Fifer summoned, inside info
The authorities move against Petaquilla and Richard Fifer, while we reveal some inside info about his criminal activities.
Bananama Republic (
The authorities move against Petaquilla and Richard Fifer, while we reveal some inside info about his criminal activities.
A leaked cache of documents shows that Petaquilla's Richard Fifer is, among other things, a convicted cocaine dealer.
Cocaine Cowboys. How the drugs transformed Miami into something that looks a lot like Panama today. "All these banks", says one of the protagonists (which also tells you all you need to know about people like Eisenmann getting into shady banking in Miami in the eighties). "All this construction", says another.
The US ambassador in Panama, Barbara Stephenson, apologized yesterday for the burden the continued high demand in her country for illicit drugs places on Panamanian society.
One of the great things about the "war on drugs" is that it brings out the best in our heroic policemen and women. We don't know if you've ever noticed, dear reader, but every time they make one of those drug busts their creative juices start flowing and we get these pictures of mosaics made of bundles of cocaine!
The next season of the Survivor Panama TV hit will be set against a backdrop of cocaine smuggling, money laundering and narcos crashing their planes.
Panama's National Assembly is the epicenter of the narco trade, but president Martin Torrijos and newspaperman Abdul Waked don't want you to know.
Bombshell file links presidential candidate Torrijos directly to Noriega era narco kidnapping.