Canal expansion way behind schedule
Don Winner breathlessly reports what anyone with half a brain has already known for five years at least: The Canal expansion project is a disaster.
Bananama Republic (
Don Winner breathlessly reports what anyone with half a brain has already known for five years at least: The Canal expansion project is a disaster.
While the Panamanians indulge in backward nationalism, their flag waving "corazon del universo" and "puente del mundo" crap, the Nicaraguans and their allies are cleverly planning to break Panama's faux monopoly.
The cheap attempt to use Palacios's suspicious reappearance as some sort of "evidence" that the government did nothing wrong and is being falsely accused is a dumb and transparent ploy to distract from the indisputable fact that Martinelli's gang of thugs did kill at least 4 people in Bocas, and likely more. Including small children.
This year, inspired by events in Bocas, they have created a new doom scenario to practice: an indigenous coup d'etat. This would of course be a clear danger to the Canal, because everybody knows that mafiosi are to be fully trusted running the waterway and indigenous banana planters are not.
Panama goes after a Costa Rican paper for "damaging the prestige of the neutrality of the Canal", after the paper had said Israel is in charge of Canal security. But what if that is actually true?
Just as we predicted, Martinelli's capricious stupidity to waste taxpayer money and file criminal charges in Costa Rica against online paper El PaĆs is already backfiring majestically.
President Martinelli will criminally charge anyone who dares to suggest others than Panamanians control the Canal, be it communist Chinese or Israelis.
Panama's biggest scam promoter campaigns to violate the neutrality of the Canal by closing it for France bound ships.