José Raúl Mulino
José Raúl Mulino, minister of government and justice, gave a press conference today to defend himself against allegations of corruption by his closest advisor, Eduardo Alfaro.
A legislator of the government alliance, Marco González, had accused Alfaro of making deals with high-profile prisoners about better conditions and possibly early release. González presented pictures showing Muliono's advisor meeting with an alleged member of the Sinaloa cartel, together with his lawyer Ricardo Bilonick.
Bilonick is himself a confessed narco trafficker with an extensive track record of drug dealings for and with Manuel Antonio Noriega.
Mulino's advisor, Eduardo Alfaro, is also known for being a close friend of Madame Thonya, who ran a child prostitution ring in Panama. Alfaro featured in a report by Spanish TV, sending undercover reporters posing as pedophiles in the right direction.
Shortly after the photographed meetings, prisoners who had met with Alfaro were found murdered.
Similarly, the pictures were given to legislator González by lawyer Javier Justiniani who ran an organization defending prisoners' rights. He was assassinated just a few days after handing over these pictures.
So, what did Mulino have to say about the actions of his child prostitute pimp-turned-advisor?
He said that everything Alfaro had done was with knowledge and permission. And that this case is best investigated further by AG Guiseppe Bonissi.
However, Bonissi is just a marionette of Martinelli and Mulino, illegally appointed to quash investigations into Martinelli's money laundering, Costa Rican media reported. Effectively, Mulino's statements are the in-your-face arrogance we've grown used to coming from this government; the real meaning of what he says is "I can do whatever I want and you can't touch me because we have everything covered".
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