So much for that whole spin that Patrick Visser was no longer involved in Silva Tree, which has been renamed into "Sustainable Capital Group". After a period of silence, the Paulowna Tree and carbon credit hustler posted on his blog again about a Panama visit:
The Sustainable Capital Group projects are going very well now and we are looking to produce 1.5 million trees this year (500,000 Paulownia and 1,000,000 Jatropha). The vast majority of these trees will be planted by ourselves through SCG Management, but some will be sold to locally interested parties.
Right. Same game, same players, different name, that's all.
Of course Patrick Visser wouldn't be Patrick Visser if he did not allude to "court cases" against yours truly.
The Panamanian case he filed together with his wife and an associate did not go anywhere at all, and we understood it was thrown out because Panama has no jurisdiction. Then Patrick Visser announced he would file a case in the Netherlands, of which we haven't heard anything further either. And now he mentions a Spanish case, which apparently isn't going anywhere, if it even exists:
Unfortunately there is no news on the court case both in Spain and in Panama and it would appear that we are just going to have to live with the online situation for the time being until both cases work themselves through the notoriously slow legal systems.
That's right, you might as well "live with the online situation", considering that you yourself created it, knucklehead.
Unless they go to jail, and even that is not a guarantee, these people never go away. They just reinvent themselves. These plantations schemes are especially worrisome, as not only people will invariably get ripped off, but they will also cause major damage to the integrity of the ecosystem.