Panama's advanced advertising culture inspires young students to ride buses in underwear.
If you really want to know (you don't, but we're telling you anyway) what a bunch of narrow-minded hypocrite sexually obsessed perverted backward frustrated imbeciles great visionary people are leading this country, you only need to observe how they treat students - especially female ones - and morality.
Today, Telemetro reports that students of the Instituto Nacional were denied access to their classes. Some of them arrived too late, others couldn't enter for other reasons, and then some of the female students were wearing skirts that did not reach below the knee! Scandal!

Police inspecting skirt length at the Instituto Nacional
And such a scandal it was that even the police was called to maintain order and keep these dangerous criminals under control.
That wasn't the first time our heroic police force scored a major victory over organized female student crime. Just weeks ago, they found nine schoolgirls riding in the back of a bus in underwear during a routine check at one of their crime-busting bribery roadblocks. Understandably, the authorities went ballistic. The license of the bus was immediately revoked. The students were punished. Their parents were ordered to submit to a re-education program.
Minister Lucy Molinar (Opus Dei) was so outraged that she fulminated that the adults (19 years old) who were accompanying the stripping students should "rot in jail". Not even Wild Bill or real organized crime got as much airplay in our obsessed media as the dangerous girls-in-underwear gang.
None of our fine members of the media noted that this dangerous criminal behavior might be inspired by the billboards Panama's business community places along those roads where these buses travel towards the schools, featuring young girls in bikini caressing water pumps, holding shock absorbers or showing off the latest merchandise available in the Colón free zone. Like, errrrr, clothes. Or watches, to make sure you're at school in time (OMG! Lesbians!)
Logical results of our double-standard
Double standards!
Hence, double the teen pregnancy rate over last year!
It must be the water that is not up to human consumption now here in Panama?
If you live here, you know there are double standards. The one you show when you’re playing the good guy at your community service club, and the one you show when you’re at a local hang out joint with the boys, having some beers and “lujuriando” all the pretty girls. But then the problem is this. Mom and Dad most likely won’t mind if their 16 or 17 year old daughter is dating a 25 year old man, if that lucky guy is from a “good ” family, has money, and if heaven forbid something happened, he can take care of their daughter. But if little Miss is dating a John Doe with only his monthly paycheck and working for a living, you can bet he’s going to get the “if you do something to my daughter I’ll…” speech. It’s no secret that today most teens are sexually active around 15, usually with a sexual partner at least 3 or more years older. I stil don’t get why legislators feel that having the age of consent as it is found in the Penal Code is a deterrent to avoid having sex, while a whole different thing is happening in the country.
What can one expect from a country where the legal age of consent is 12 years old (sic).
Today’s News (in Spanish): Embarazo precoz alcanza a niñas de 10 años
Las cifras del Ministerio de Educación revelan que en 2009 hubo 57 estudiantes embarazadas en nivel primario. Las cifras reflejan embarazos en niñas de 10, 11 y 12 años, lo que trae impactos negativos en el bebe y en la niña-madre. Entre 2005 y 2009 se dieron 188 casos de niñas embarazadas que cursaban estudios primarios, según las cifras del MEDUCA. (La Prensa)
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