Hi editor of bananamarepublic.com!
I like your site very much and I read it every day. I just want to give you a good tip for a blog entry.
I'm sure you know about the governmental institutions IFARHU that gives scholarships to students with good grades. My wife applied for University scholarship because she is the no. 1 in her class. In IFARHU office told her to bring all the required papers and some oficial paper that must be signed by the director of Universidad de Panama. Anyway she was told that if she has all the papers ready they would give her the scholarship easily besides that some rumor was spread that Martinelli nowadays approves the scholarship to anyone.
We spent 2 whole weeks to get all the papers, begging for signatures and stuff like that. We spent a whole bunch of money on gas. My wife had to miss many classes because waiting in lines.
After we gathered all the papers all these dumb slaves of the government who works behind desks told her that they got a memo saying that Martinelli administration ran out of money and they couldn't give scholarship to anyone as it had been communicated before. They lied to my wife and promised her she would get it easily.
I think this would be a good story.
Thanks I like your blog,
editor of www.vozdepanama.com
lo siento, estamos limpios compa