Not that it makes it less serious or anything, but Blandon & Young are hardly the only politicians being in cahoots with international crooks. Take for example Samuel Lewis Navarro, a PRD presidential hopeful and Minister of Foreign Affairs during the Martín Torrijos presidency.
Lewis Navarro is business partner of one Lord Ashcroft, an important donor to the British Conservative Party and entangled in a myriad of financial and bribery scandals in Belize and the rest of the Caribbean.
Last Saturday, The Guardian published the latest on Ashcroft's involvement with a collapsed construction company linked to an alleged political corruption scandal in the Turks and Caicos Islands:
Ashcroft, the former deputy chairman of the Conservative party, has denied having any interest in Johnston International, which built a $6m mansion for the former premier of the Turks and Caicos Islands, Michael Misick, who is now the subject of an international arrest warrant after fleeing the Caribbean archipelago, having been accused of corruption.
Johnston was a significant employer in the Caribbean before it went under in 2010, as the property boom turned to bust. The company was responsible for some of the region's largest developments, building marinas, airports, hotels and resorts.
Ashcroft told the London Stock Exchange in 1999 that he had sold Johnston, and has said he has "had no economic beneficial or legal interest" in the company since.
But a series of faxes to Ashcroft from the chief executive of Johnston, Allan Forrest, seen by the Observer, show that he was regularly updated on the company's pitch to win contracts to build two new hospitals and an airport in the islands. The faxes, from 2004 and 2005, and headed with the Johnston International logo, spell out how Forrest proposed to structure its bid and inform Ashcroft of the costs.
In Panama, Samuel Lewis Navarro and Ashcroft are both directors of Panama Holdings Subsidiary Inc.
And what's more: While Minister of Foreign Relations, Lewis Navarro appointed Ashcroft's son, Anthony Michael Ashcroft, as Panama's consul in Belize.
I think it is time for readers to know history or say an organizational flow chart of the last manes of Panama if you get what I mean?
That would be a whole book!
“Navarro made a contract with a tax collector after $50.5 million dollars that will collect it took 43 cents of every dollar that went to the municipality. In addition, the contract paid him $ $75 000 per month, which I consider an insult to our intelligence. I had a fight and I got to that company and the new provider charges us only 18 cents of every dollar collected. No journalist wanted to emphasize that. ” No reporter wanted to Emphasize That. ” What I have said? “A lot of times and never published. Furthermore, no one wonders why this time it was flooded Juan Diaz. furthermore, We got $ 750 000 approved by the Council and made a dredging and cleaning there. ”
From December 2010 La Prensa translated interview with then Mayor Bosco about the corruption in the previous mayor regime.
Was that before or after Bosco gave all the contracts for the Xmas villages to his friends and allies at inflated cost? They’re ALL crooks!