Toxic smoke in Panama banking district
The gringos are coming to put out the fire on Cerro Patacon, but toxic smoke still hovers over the COACECSS toxic assets in the banking district. - UPDATED
Bananama Republic (
The gringos are coming to put out the fire on Cerro Patacon, but toxic smoke still hovers over the COACECSS toxic assets in the banking district. - UPDATED
Updated - In order to fight the crime wave, gringo expats plan to form militia together with leader of the crime wave. No, we don't understand it either.
Latest wacky trial for honor crimes reveals that Panama's prosecutors don't know how to investigate and are even ignorant of their own cases.
Patrick Visser et al have fraud artist Monte Friesner as their new best friend, and ask the judge to seize Bananama Republic in rambling court performance!
Evidence shows that a credit card law was drafted, submitted and passed by Jose Blandon and Herbert Young, under supervision and paid for by Monte Friesner of Pronto Cash.
One of Friesner's shady activities, as revealed in his own emails and documents, is that he and his wife Tatiana are "importing" sex workers from Colombia, Eastern Europe and Russia.
You'd think that people who value any kind of reputation would stay away from sleazy con men like Monte Friesner. But nothing could be further from the truth because, believe it or not, there are plenty fellow expatriates who stand by their favorite fraudster no matter what.
Finally the authorities have figured out that 1 plus 1 is 2, and that if they contact your editor for one thing at his residence they could probably contact him there for something else as well.
Pronto Cash, closed down by the authorities and Mastercard, is not the only fraud Monte Friesner is running in Panama. The Panama Sailing School, which lists Mr. Friesner as its "Commodore", is a scam too, Bananama Republic has learned.
We were in the middle of a server move and overhaul and kaboom! We got a big package. Documents, emails, pictures, all kinds of stuff, directly from the Monte Friesner Pronto Cash lair. And its contents are SENSATIONAL!