Is Martin Torrijos a Narco? The WikiLeaks version
What the US embassy wrote about a cocaine heist gone wrong, involving president Martin Torrijos, a story only we dared to report.
Bananama Republic (
What the US embassy wrote about a cocaine heist gone wrong, involving president Martin Torrijos, a story only we dared to report.
The next season of the Survivor Panama TV hit will be set against a backdrop of cocaine smuggling, money laundering and narcos crashing their planes.
Panama's National Assembly is the epicenter of the narco trade, but president Martin Torrijos and newspaperman Abdul Waked don't want you to know.
Alarming news from the island of Contadora, getaway for the rich and famous: the beaches are not safe. There is a giant crocodile on the loose and attempts to capture the animal have so far been fruitless. We were forwarded email correspondence on the matter, which started with a message from Marcos Cigarruista, who was reportedly appointed by vice-president Samuel Lewis Navarro as "regidor" (one step below the so-called "corregidor"), lives in the Contadora hotel and is also the head of the ARPUIC, the island's residents association. "Without the intention to alarm anyone, but to prevent any accidents, it is advised that on the beaches of the island roams a crocodile of about 2.5 meters," writes Cigarruista. He then continues to describe various attempts to capture the monster.
Bombshell file links presidential candidate Torrijos directly to Noriega era narco kidnapping.