Murder case leaves Don Winner confused

(Updated) - That's how well-informed Don Winner really is, with his inside sources and additional information and secret knowledge bullshit. One day it's a stab wound and don't you dare question his supreme knowledge, and the next it is in fact a strangle wound and of course he is always right.

Racist killer Ron McGrew set free

Ron McGrew killed an innocent Panamanian. First the court convicted him to 5 years in jail, but now we read on the racist killer fanzine Panama Guide that the Supreme Court has apparently overturned that decision and dropped all charges.

Mulino, the dishonorable

Is it too much to expect that a minister who - together with his colleagues - constantly worries about attacks on his honor and seeks to protect it with ever wackier anti-press laws, in fact acts honorably? In Panama it is.

Gustavo Perez, what did you do with Valentín Palacios?

Valentín Palacios has been missing for over a month after being taken by the police. The situation in Panama is now so bad, and the opposition and the media so lame, that when the police disappears somebody this now generates far less response than during the dictatorship when opposition was more dangerous.

Wild Bill – it’s a right wing thing

In all these years in Panama, we've not once come across a liberal left-wing progressive running a scam; it's always a strange mix of Christian conservatism with a sauce of bizarre libertarianism, of very low intellectual fiber, as if you're talking to the Down syndrome department of the Tea Party.