Coup threat in Panama

With a police force that increasingly behaves as if it's above the law and sub-director Eduardo Serracin threatening a coup d'etat, Panama has not been this unstable since 1989.

Mulino, the dishonorable

Is it too much to expect that a minister who - together with his colleagues - constantly worries about attacks on his honor and seeks to protect it with ever wackier anti-press laws, in fact acts honorably? In Panama it is.

Palacios reappears, walks on water

We don't know about you, dear reader, but we have tremendously enjoyed the great Palacios show over the last days. He was missing. The police said "we know nutting". Then everybody got angry and demanded an investigation and, voilá! There was Palacios!

Gustavo Perez, what did you do with Valentín Palacios?

Valentín Palacios has been missing for over a month after being taken by the police. The situation in Panama is now so bad, and the opposition and the media so lame, that when the police disappears somebody this now generates far less response than during the dictatorship when opposition was more dangerous.