Xenophobes march against law allowing foreign doctors in Panama
Even so-called progressives support xenophobic protest against foreign doctors practicing in Panama in ugly display of nationalism.
Bananama Republic (
Everything else Bananama happening in our country.
Even so-called progressives support xenophobic protest against foreign doctors practicing in Panama in ugly display of nationalism.
J.J. Rendon, a sleazy Venezuelan political consultant of the extreme right who specializes in rumor and smear, has made his entry in the Panama 2014 election campaign, apparently working for PRD candidate Juan Carlos Navarro.
Militia gun nut Darren Wilburn gets interrogated by the police and is now packing to leave Panama, while his partner pledges that they will never give any training under any circumstances here.
Z7 Tactical principal Darren K. Wilburn tells petty crime victims to "brutally beat the parties until they confess" in Bocas del Toro.
Bananama Republic issues a travel warning for Bocas del Toro now that hardcore gringo militia types have established a foothold there.
Press freedom debate, Panama style: Ricardo Martinelli sends a stupid tweet, La Prensa and Latino-fascist friends respond as if he has announced a nuclear missile test.
Don't say we didn't warn you. Newland Properties, the developer of the embattled Trump Ocean Club in Panama - the most intensely hyped real estate project in the history of the country - is filing for Chapter 11 - and that is just one step from bankruptcy.
An art biennial is organized by rabiblanco troglodytes and of course things go terribly wrong, as a well know Chilean artist is refused entry to Panama by immigration and the festival organizers are nowhere to be found.
You know, dear reader, the only thieves we see here are these fake "law enforcement experts", these complete frauds, these sufferers from some paranoid mental disorder, who try to rob you from your peace of mind, your peaceful co-existence with your local neighbors and your general sense of safety, so you'll buy into their racist power games. UPDATED.
The authorities say, "you can't". The transportistas say, "oh yes we can". And so we'll have an epic battle between the Metrobuses and the Diablos Rojos, back on the streets.